Saturday, March 21, 2015

Hello and my journey toward a minimalist wardrobe

Hello everyone:

My name is Sherayah. I am a college student, in my mid twenties, and a lot of other things. I love to read. I work two jobs. Basically, I am a busy person! I don't know why I decided to throw a blog on top of that, but here I am.

One thing that comes with the territory of being a full time college student, working, and being a busy person is the need to get dressed and get out the door quickly... AND look nice!

I will admit I have been guilty of being the person slumming it in sweatpants, a messy bun, and a T-shirt to classes. Don't get me wrong, some girls can ROCK that look. I am a larger, curvier woman and I... I can not. It also NEVER made me feel good about myself.

All of that above is not why I decided to minimalize my clothes... This decision came last week when I was stressed because of school and everything else. I was doing my laundry and I was frustrated by not being able to find the clothes I wanted to wear amidst the sea of clothes that was my room. I also realized that I wasn't even using my laundry hamper anymore because it was full with are you ready for this...

Clothes I had not worn nor washed in months... yep, I know I was disgusted with myself too.

That night and the next night I did 5 loads of laundry and filled up 6 grocery bags and one black trash bags full of clothes. I cleaned and organized my closet area. I felt so much better.

BUT I am still not done!

I have done my initial huge purge, but I still find myself editing my clothes, being more conscious of what I actually wear and why. I am striving to love what I have and not be tempted to buy more (even though I work in a clothing store and help drive our consumer culture).

Now, I will say I have bought about three or four pieces I felt like I was missing from my wardrobe, but I was careful while buying them. I bought a blazer, a white silk flowy top (both from ebay. fingers crossed that they work), and two (black and brown)  thicker belts to put over top blouses and dresses.

I also stored away some "maybe pieces" (things I am not sure I want get rid of yet) and some off season clothes.

So, without further ado... here is what my closet looks like so far. Keep in mind that I have a ways to go and it is not perfect.
Here is the break down of my new wardrobe. The top shelf  holds my nicer t-shirts (about 8 of them), 7 pairs of shorts and capris (TN summers are warm!) and a stack of jeans and crop pants. The bar holds the rest of my daily wear clothes and there is less than 50 pieces there.  There is another bin beside the closet that holds really casual t-shirts (too many of them probably) and then a rack with bras, underwear, and tank tops on the top. Then on the bottom three shelves of that rack I have shoes (about 15 pairs).

Oh and the white hanger on the sides holds my belts and the four scarves I chose for the spring summer season. Then I have necklaces on the wall.

If you have any questions or comments please leave them below. The capsule wardrobe has been fascinating me and I am hoping to apply this simplicity to other parts of my life as well!

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