Saturday, March 5, 2016

Switching to my Spring Capsule EARLY!

I just wanted to give you guys a heads up to be on the lookout for updates as I transition my wardrobe over for spring this week. It's getting warm here and I need cooler clothes :)

Sunday, February 21, 2016


Today's post is, as you can guess from the title, all about shoes. Today, I noticed a problem with my shoe collection. It stressed me out, so naturally I decided to cull my shoes like I have culled my clothes. I know some people have done their shoes with their wardrobe, but I didn't...until today.

It all started when I went to the shoe store after work. I know, I know I am on a no-buy, but I said that I wasn't including shoes in that. Mostly because I knew I would need a couple pairs of new ones. One of those needed pairs was a good, sturdy, comfy pair of sandals. I found the perfect pair today for my spring and summer capsules!

They were also on clearance for $15! It was perfect. 

...Then I got home. 

I was enjoying my new shoes, and I was going to put them away because even though we have had a warm weekend it's still pretty chilly here. That's when I noticed it... the bin I keep my shoes in was OVERFLOWING. How did I let this happen? What's even at the bottom of that bin? Do I wear all of these shoes? were the questions I was asking myself. 

I decided to gather all my shoes in my room (just like with my wardrobe) from both the floor and the bin and go through them... In the process, I found many gems. I found some really cute red flats (that hurt my feet, and I am totally over that one red phase I had long ago as a teenager), and I put them in the to go bag. I found my great pair of black wedges (the thing is, I have realized that I can't wear heels of any kind) and I tossed them in with the red ones. I found a lot of cute flats, but flats hurt my feet (I seriously haven't found many that don't), and I threw all but one pair in with the other cute shoes collecting dust. I got rid of 8-10 pairs in all. 
Now I still have a bin full of off season shoes, but it's no longer overflowing. It's pretty reasonable, I think. It's still a good deal. I don't need all these shoes, but I will keep wearing them all until they wear out. 

I also decided to pull out a capsule for my winter shoes. I have only been wearing about 5 pairs of shoes consistently this winter anyway, so why not make a space for them? So here they are. I don't have a need for super fancy shoes (obviously, by how many I got rid of), and I do keep 2-3 pairs if an occasion arises. These are just my daily shoes. 

I have five pairs: black moto boots, black Bob's, black converse, blue converse, and grey walking shoes. This will change pretty drastically come summer, but it's really put my mind at rest once again to have made my life just a little simpler!

Wednesday, February 10, 2016

My Minimizing To Do List...

Hey Friends!

I have come quite a way in my minimalist journey. I have dramatically (and still am to a degree) pairing down my down my clothes, but it's far from over. I still have a lot of unused and unloved stuff in my life. I wanted just to share with you what I am planning to do next. Disclaimer: I don't know when I will get to the items on my list, but I will update you and take you along for the journey when I do get there.

  1. Shoes. I have done clothes, but I have yet to tackle my shoes.
  2. Bags. I don't have a lot of these, but I can think of at least a couple that need to go
  3. My desk and the area surrounding it is not even usable right now... it's bad you guys. 
  4. My books and book storage
  5. Area surrounding my closet
Those are the next five areas that I am going to tackle. These are in no particular order... I hope that by blogging everything I am working on that I can stay more accountable to the vision that I want to achieve! 

Let me know what you think! What is your next decluttering challenge that you are going to tackle?


Wednesday, February 3, 2016

Blogging Schedule

Hey Friends!

I want to bring you quality content. That is my goal.However, because I am a full time student and I am working right now, I am not going to be able to do that as often. My semester is now in full swing and it needs my full attention. I am going to try to get in a blog post or two once or twice a month and then really pick it back up in the summer. I hope you all can bear with me during this time!


Sunday, January 31, 2016

Capsule Update and Some January Favorites

Hey Friends:

I just wanted to give you an update about my capsule since it's the end of the month and there have been a few changes. I also wanted to try something new and share a few of my favorite things this month with you.

So first thing's first! My Capsule!

I just have a small update for you in this department. I am really loving my capsule, but I did notice a couple of things that I had to fix. The first one was that my gold bag was wearing out. REALLY wearing out and I didn't notice until I started using it again. It made me sad, so I went ahead and switched it out for another favorite, my brown Aldo messenger bag.

Mine is similar to this one
I also had to add a pair of grey slacks. I normally wouldn't add or even need slacks, but I have been having a medical problem that makes my beloved jeans just a little bit too uncomfortable sometimes, so I need the slacks on days when I need a softer, stretchier material.
That's it for the update. I am loving it so far!

Now for a few favorites of the month...

None of these are revolutionary. I am striving for my products to be more natural, but I don't have a whole lot of that kind of stuff right now. These are just a few things that I have been using a lot/loving/excited for in the month of January. Also, none of these are sponsored, but I will have links to stuff that I can get links too in case anyone wants to check any of it out

1. A good lotion is essential for the cold weather and this Aveeno Active Natural Daily Moisturizing Lotion is essential for my cracked hands, feet, and elbows. It also absorbs really quickly and doesn't make me feel greasy. I adore this stuff! It's on Amazon (here) and probably at your local grocery or drug store too.

2. Cute Owl Folders! I love making school a little more bright and cheery and folders like this do the trick! I got mine for $1 at my local Big Lots and couldn't find them online. 

3. Crochet hook set. I recently got back into crocheting and I needed a new hook set. I found these on Ebay really cheap from an individual seller, but you can also find them on Amazon (here). I love these, and I am really excited to use them!

4. My final favorite this month is a tea. I am kind of a tea fanatic and this month I have been in love with Celestial Tea's, Mint Magic. It's very soothing and is great for helping me to chill out after a long day of school. I found mine at my local kroger, but you can also find it on Amazon (here)

That's all for today. I hope you enjoyed this. Let me know what else you would like to see from me in the comments!


Saturday, January 30, 2016

Thinking About Buying Things Differently and How That Looks -My Minimalism Journey

Hey Friends!

If you follow my blog, you might know that I am currently doing a no buy for a year challenge. I started that at the beginning of this year, and as of January 1, 2016, I have not bought any clothing. I have the rules to that challenge in an earlier post (I didn't write the post at the very beginning of the year though because I wasn't sure until I wrote that post if I was actually going to commit to it, but I am!)  Anyway, in my rules I didn't completely rule out shoes, jewelry (if there was a need), and I gave myself three saves (if a need should arise or something gets damaged, etc.). All of this, paired with the fact that I am a poor college student on a tight budget right now anyway, has made me think and rethink about shopping a lot.

My attitude and approach to shopping has started to shift. I used to just go to the store when I was bored. I would go to a thriftstore and find really cute bargains, buy them, and sometimes they would get used... usually they wouldn't though. It was a bad habit. It was one that wasted my time and money. It also didn't fulfill me for very long and it's made my room the mess that I am currently trying to minimize. I am not doing that anymore. I have learned MY secret to minimalist shopping. It's three fold.

1. I have to have patience. This is really hard for me. I am an impulse shopper. Those cute little accessories, candy bars, gum, and stuff displayed by the cash registers were made for shoppers like me. I make an effort not to even look at that stuff if I can help it now. Also, I am learning to examine most of the stuff I buy for quality and learning to wait. Usually time will cure the desire. If not, I can think about it some more and make a more informed decision to go buy it. I can also shop around and see if I can get it cheaper in the time I am waiting to purchase it.

An example of this is that I have been wanting to get back into crocheting. I wanted to buy a new hook set because I am pretty sure that I got rid of my old ones a while back. I waited two days to see if I could borrow some hooks from my mom or a friend (that didn't work for various reasons). I checked Amazon, and I almost bought a set. I decided to sleep on it though. The next day I thought to check Ebay for a set as well and found the same set for half the price. I finally bought them. Patience pays off!

2. I am making a list of needs and possible needs. You make a grocery list... why not a list for other stuff? If it's on my list, I know it's an upcoming need. I can keep on the lookout for it and for some reason it makes it less urgent for me.

Right now my list is short

  • Rain/snow boots
  • I might need to use a save on some nice jeans since mine are wearing out fast. I am waiting this one out longer than the other one though because I still have some that work for the moment.
That's it. I might have other things crop up, and as they do I will put them on the list. Very rarely are things like this a true emergency. I could have really used rain/snow boots this weekend with a record snowfall in TN, but I got by without them. When I do buy boots, they will be good quality and worth the wait! 

3. I will be saving up for quality/durable stuff that will last me a long time. This point is really self explanatory. I am willing to save some money for some nicer rain boots because I KNOW I will use them. :)

That is really all I have for today. IF you have any comments, questions, or suggestions, please comment below. I would love to hear from you!


Wednesday, January 27, 2016

How to Style a T-Shirt in a Capsule Wardrobe.

Hey Friends!

Today I wanted to address something that I am sure a lot of you may be wondering. Why does she have t-shirts in her capsule? I thought capsules were supposed to be classy, fashion forward, etc.

The answer is simple and three fold... I like them, they are comfortable, and they work well with my life style at the moment. I know t-shirts and especially graphic tees like the ones I have are what some people are trying to get away from in their wardrobes or what some might consider loungewear, but I ADORE t-shirts. I find them pretty versatile as well. Today I wanted to share with you a few ways that I have styled just one of the 6 or 7 different t-shirts in my capsule wardrobe. Please keep in mind that I am no style expert, but I think these look pretty good.

Here's an example:

This is one of my favorite t-shirts of all time. It's from a camp that I used to work at a few year ago. I love the vintage look of it. I adore the colors, and it's one of the few bright happy pieces in my wardrobe. I am totally cool just wearing it by itself with my favorite jeans (as pictured above). I feel great in just that outfit. However, I can (and usually do) add a couple of things to complete this look.

One of my favorite options is my grey flyaway. It tones down the yellow a bit and it makes me look more pulled together. I would probably also put in my pearl stud earrings (which if you have been following my blog, you know I wear ALL the time!) and braid my hair. Simple. Easy. Me.

I could also do my cream flyaway for lighter, almost more feminine feel. This one also adds a lot of texture to the outfit. Add pearl earrings, put my hair in a messy bun, and I am ready to go!

I could also pair it with my blazer for a more structured look. (I plan to take this is for tailoring soon, but I think you get the idea).

And finally... The last fun thing that I can add to it and put with any of the other looks as well....

My green scarf goes so well with this, and I didn't even realize it until I started playing around with stuff in my capsule for this blog. This also goes to show that you can have some bright fun pieces in a capsule and work them in many different ways :)

I hope you liked this post. Please let me know in the comments below if you did and suggestions you have for styling t-shirts in your capsules.


Monday, January 25, 2016

Working in Retail and Having a Capsule Wardrobe/ Not shopping for a Year

Hey Friends!

I work in a women's clothing store. Our store carries mostly casual clothes, but also a few business type pieces. Many of the pieces are classic and versatile. My store is also part of a larger retail group, and I get discounts at most of the other big chains of soley women's clothes. This makes life both wonderful and difficult. It's great to have such great clothes made more affordable, but it's also a temptation to be pulled into the consumerism that these stores promote.

I have been guilty of buying something just because it was trendy, and I have been pressured into in by managers and coworkers. I have been guilty of buying something because it went down to 12.88,9.88, or 4.88 on the final sale rack. I have been guilty of buying something because I didn't want to waste our special employee 75% off coupons on an item that I really didn't need in the first place.

I am not doing that anymore. I have minimized my wardrobe dramatically, started capsule wardrobing, and I am starting a challenge where I am not buying any clothing in 2016 (more on that in this post). Having a capsule wardrobe has made me a more conscious shopper. I know what I wear, what I like, and what works for me. Now when I shop for an item I make sure it meets those criteria and that I make sure I don't have anything similar in my wardrobe. I also make sure it's going to fit into my wardrobe. I have developed a rule for determining if something fits into my wardrobe. If I can't think of at least 3 different things it can go with in my wardrobe (and 4 is even better), then it more than likely will not work. If for some reason it doesn't meet all these criteria and I still want it, I will tell myself I need to wait 24-72 hours. If that item is still on my mind in a few days, I can then reconsidered it.  These techniques usually do the trick for avoiding temptation and unnecessary shopping. However, I still get asked a lot of questions about working in a clothing store and doing this.

Here are the most commonly asked questions and the answers to them:

Q: How do you stay up to date on the current fashions for your job if you are not buying clothes/have a capsule wardrobe?
A: My store carries a lot of classic pieces. They don't really change dramatically. I know we will always have different variations of jeans, shells, cardigans, and dresses. As long as I dress in a style that matches our brand, my work won't even notice if the pieces are last season, (or sometimes not even the same brand), and even if they do I won't get into any trouble for it.

Q: How do you resist the temptation to buy new things with all your discounts?
A: Refer to what I talked about above about shopping more consciously. I keep the bigger picture in mind. I also didn't mention this above, but I also approach work as just that work. I try to avoid thinking about it as a store that I can actually shop at. I don't know if that makes sense, but that is one thing I do on a day where I am particularly tempted. :)

Q: What do your managers/coworkers think?
A: Most haven't noticed, honestly. The ones I have talked to about it have said that they probably wouldn't be able to do it, but have wished me well.

That's the end of my short blog about retail and living a more minimalistic life. I hope you enjoyed it. If you have questions for me or have a suggestion for what you would like me to cover in another blog post, please leave a comment and let me know. I would love to hear from you!


Friday, January 22, 2016

5 Things To Keep In Mind When You Are Getting Rid Of Clothes

Hey Friends!

Here are a few things to consider as you are culling your wardrobe and simplifying your life. All of these are things that I keep in mind as I go through my wardrobe every couple of seasons or so.

1. Cut the words, "What" and "If" out of your vocabulary. I had this wonderful Ralph Lauren sweater jacket that I was given as a gift. It was a little too small for me to wear comfortably, but I have held to that jacket for a long time thinking about the "what ifs." For example: "What if I get a little skinnier?," "What if I lose weight and it's the only jacket I have?," and so on. It's really pretty sad and ridiculous. I have maintained my weight for a couple of years now. It's not a good weight and I could stand to lose quite a bit, but hanging onto this jacket isn't helping either. Instead, I am giving it to a girl friend who will wear it!

2. That brings me to my next point, dress your current body and ditch the rest of your clothes. Ask, does this fit? You don't need those jeans you haven't been able to squeeze into in 2 years. You really don't. Even if you do lose weight, you will have way more fun buying some new jeans!

3. Think about the last time you wore it. How did you feel in it? If you didn't feel good, comfortable, and confident, then it's probably a sign you need to let it go.

4. Think again to the last time you wore it. Did you have to keep constantly adjusting it? If so, it may be a sign that you need to get rid of it and go in search of something similar that fits you better! This was the hardest one for me to initially come to grips with. I thought nothing fit my body, but this is not true! Now that I have committed to buying clothes that work for me and not settling and "making it work", I am a lot happier!

5. Is it worn out? I have had to get rid of several beloved clothing items because they are threadbare, have developed holes, stains, or otherwise have just become too loved to be usable anymore. It's a sad day to let them go, but it has to happen.

I hope these tips help, and if you have any more, I would love to hear about them in the comments!


Wednesday, January 20, 2016

9 Tips for Having a Capsule Wardrobe in College

Hey Friends!

A capsule wardrobe is great to have in college. Whether you are cramped in a tiny dorm room or a busy commuter, it can help you have less stress about a couple of things. You won't be standing in front of your closet forever in the morning wondering what to wear because you will have less pieces that you love and that work together. You will have less laundry, and you won't have to worry about looking put together. Here are a few tips for building your capsule in college.

1. Be sensible.
If you love fashion and you are comfortable in super stylish high end stuff, go for it... but if you are the average college student, a capsule with mostly jeans, tshirts, and a few nicer things can be okay. Think about your needs and what clothes you feel good, confident, and comfortable in.

2. Know what you need.
 Do you work? Do you do a lot of presentations for your field of study? Are you a gym rat? Do you spend all your time in the library. Factor in your needs so that you can decide how your capsule needs to function and what is going to be appropriate.

3. Pick comfortable shoes!
There is a time and a place for nice heels that kill your feet... usually college is not one of those places. Don't be ashamed to have a nice pair of trainers (tennis shoes) in your capsule. You do a lot of walking in most universities and the last thing you want to have to think about during a test is aching feet.

4. Be you.
Highschool was a time when people judged you and people strived to fit in... at college you are a lot more free to be yourself, so figure out your style and go with it.

5. Make sure it is weather appropriate.
There is nothing worse than realizing that your capsule is not conducive to the weather. Make sure that you have a few layering pieces, a rain coat (at least where I am from it rains a lot and it miserable walking around campus without the proper gear), and anything else that you might need for the climate you will be in.

6. Pick clothes you love and will be confident in.
I have several t-shirts that I love, feel confident in, and comfortable wearing in my capsule and you know what? That's okay! It's my wardrobe and my choice. :)

7. Make sure you have a few basic classic pieces.
It's easy to get caught up with the more fun statement pieces of your capsule, but I suggest making sure you have some jeans, a black tank top or tee, a white tank top, tee, or blouse, and a couple other simple  items that you can layer on top of. However, you don't necessarily have to have these things to make it work. For example, even though I recommend a white top, I don't have one in my wardrobe. I don't like white and don't need it for my wardrobe, but most people do. :)

8. Try to stick to a color pallet or at least a base.
Try to stick to a same grouping of colors so that you can mix and match more easily OR at least pick a couple of base colors. For example, my base color for my current capsule is black and grey, but my fall capsule base colors were navy, cream, and brown. Having these base colors helped me plan my capsule more easily!

9. Have fun with it.
Remember you don't have to perfectly follow the rules of Project 333 or any other capsule wardrobe blog. Personalize it. Make it yours!

I hope these tips helped. If you have any tips for having a capsule in college, please tell me in the comments below!


Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Outfit Of The Day- First Day Of School -Winter Capsule

Hey Friends!

Today I started my second to the last semester of college. It was super cold, so I wore my really warm cream and grey sweater, my blue hooded jacket, a pair of my dark wash bootcut jeans, my sparkly pink scarf (quickly becoming a favorite), and my winter coat over that.  Also,  I also wore my pearl stud earrings and my tennis shoes, but those I do not count as a part of my capsule.

I have a question for you guys today. Do you think I should count my winter jacket, rain jacket, and now I want to add my fleece jacket for warmth in my capsule? I have counted two of these items. However, they are not style items as much as necessities. What are your opinions?


Sunday, January 17, 2016

Outfit Of The Day - Winter Capsule

Hey Friends! 

I wanted to share a quick OOTD with you!

I know it's not the best picture, but from time to time I like to share an outfit of the day. Today's outfit was for work. I wore my favorite olive green sweater, one of my dark wash bootcut jeans, and my sparkly blush pink infinity scarf. I also wore some pearl stud earrings and black shoes which are not included in my capsule.


Saturday, January 16, 2016

Small Capsule Update

I did add the dark wash polished denim blazer and a black quilted sweatshirt. I also switched out a piece.

I felt like the blazer would be useful in my professional tutoring job. I also like it because it is really the only tailored looking jacket type piece that I own.

I also meant to put the black sweatshirt in when I originally made the capsule, but it was in the wash at the time.

I switched out my chunky knit orange sweater (which is more of a fall look anyway for another black sweater, but this one is soft, thin, and a v-neck.

That puts my capsule count at 34, and I am more than happy with that number! If I do anymore switches or changes, I will keep you updated. I think this is the final capsule though! I am excited!

Friday, January 15, 2016

Why I will not be shopping this year.

Hey Friends!

I have decided that in 2016 I will not be shopping for clothes. I have more than I need. In fact, I will also be getting rid of some...I'll talk about my plans and process for that in a later post. Back to the topic of shopping. I don't shop for clothes a whole lot, but I do work in a clothing store and get discounts at quite a few lovely clothing stores because of it. It's really tempting to buy stuff, but I don't need it. The facts are I have been blessed with plenty and I need to use it. I have decided to challenge myself to not shop for clothes in 2016 and the rules are as follows:

-avoid clothing stores as much as possible
-use the clothes that I already own in my capsules
-get rid of clothes I don't need
-give myself 3 "saves." If something that is a staple in my wardrobe (can't live without it) rips, wears out, or is otherwise put out of service, I am allowed to replace that item with a save. If I find for some reason I am missing an essential piece, I can use a save. I only get three though and that should be plenty.
-keep you all updated about how it's going

-buy new clothes (obviously)
-count underwear in this challenge or bras or socks. I know that at some point this year I will probably need some new ones and that is alright
-count jewelry. I always lose earrings, but I will also limit myself in that department.
-buy scarves, bags, or shoes either
-I am hesitant to say I will not buy shoes because I need some new boots, but I probably won't end up buying shoes either.

I am nervous about this challenge, but I am also excited. I think it will be a good experience. :)


Winter Capsule (Updated with pictures!)

Hey Friends!

I fell off the Capsule wardrobe wagon, but I am back! I have decided that I needed my life more simplified as a another semester in college is upon me. I loved the capsule wardrobe when I did it last time, but I didn't do it as well as I wanted to and fell into some temptation as well. I am back now with a renewed vigor and what I think is a winning wardrobe!

I have created a capsule for this semester!
The blue robe hanging on the side does not count.

Items in my current wardrobe

7 T-shirts
-1 long sleeve t-shirt
-2 three quarter length sleeved shirts ( one blue stripes, the other one a graphic tee)
-4 regular graphic tees in varying colors

3 blouses
-1 black t-shirt type blouse
-1 pink, grey, and cream printed shell
-1 three quarter length sleeve black with white polka dots blouse

4 sweaters
-cream with grey a great polka dot sort of print
-navy chunky knit
-orange heather chunky knit
-olive green tunic (a favorite of mine)

6 pieces of outerwear
-my big grey MTSU winter coat
-my tan rain jacket
-my dark grey flyaway
- cream flyaway
-black structured cardigan
-navy thin casual jacket

2 dresses
-black with pink and grey floral print. It's a knit fabric and can be dressed up or down
-black with a white diamond print. It's woven and can also be dressed up or down
(I have leggings to go with these, but I am not counting them in my capsule. I am also not counting shoes)

3 pairs of jeans
-two boot cut-dark washes
-one skinny-medium wash

1 pair of camo pants (bought them on a whim and I am kind of in love with them...)


4 Scarves
-grey with blue, green, and slivery polka dots (I am seeing a trend!)
-green scarf with fringe
-green, beige, and black checkered scarf with fringe ( a gift from my dad from when he went to germany last year!)
-a sparkly pink blush colored infinity scarf

2 bags ( I don't count my school backpack)
-a large green duffle type purse
-a large soft gold tote bag type purse

(I am not counting jewelry, but all i have that I wear on a regular basis are two pairs of earrings and two necklaces)

THAT'S IT!! 32 items total! I may add in my dark wash denim blazer and I am leaving room for 1-2 more pieces IF I NEED them.

WHAT I AM NOT COUNTING. I have chosen not to count shoes, jewelry, leggings (because I soley wear them with my dresses, pajamas, underwear, undershirts (camisoles, tank tops, etc.), my sweatshirts (I don't wear theses out as much as I do around the house, so I am not counting them), and my school bag. I know some people would count some of these things, but for me they are give ins.

I hope that anyone who may stumble across my little blog might draw some inspiration to start a capsule wardrobe.  It's really nice to wake up and not have to think about clothes, but still look presentable ESPECIALLY IN COLLEGE!

For my next post, I hope to write about how I am going to try not to buy any clothes or accessories in 2016. :)

Thanks for reading!